... to Victory and beyond! Overview items

Overview on available items as PDF: Download PDF 10 MB

Plate 1: Glazing bars for stern windows, side pockets and quarter deck bulkheads ... more ...

Plate 2: Rigols ... more ...

Plate 3: Channel irons ... more ...

Plate 4: Decks ... more ...

Plate 5: Lettering and decoration ... more ...

Plate 6: Gunport lid fittings ... more ...

Plate 7: Ringbolts and hooks ... more ...

Plate 8: Gratings ... more ...

Resin 1: Pilasters for stern and side galleries ... more ...

Resin 2: Side entry port ... more ...

Resin 3: Bower, Stream und Kedgeanchor fitting for pre 1805 ... more ...

Resin 4: Knighthead ... more ...

Resin 5: Bitts ... more ...

Resin 6: Center piece of figure head ... more ...

Resin 7: Cat heads ... more ...

NEU! Resin 9: Gun Gear ... more ...

NEU! Resin Bocks, 3 Sets with over 860 Parts ... more ...

NEU! Resin 10: Deadeyes ... more ...

NEU! Resin 11: Blocks for sanding Rigging ... more ...

NEU! Resin 12: Blocks for running Rigging ... more ...

NEU! Resin 15: Mastheads and Fighting Tops ... more ...

Instruction for etch parts being bought pre mid 2015: ... click ...

Find the updated instructions below of each article

Plate 1: Glazing bars for stern windows, side pockets and quarter deck bulkheads

Brass 0,2 mm, Plate 180 mm x 70 mm

Rings inbetween te balustres on the stern

Glazing bars for side pockets and quarter deck bulkheads

Stern windows

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Plate 2: Rigols

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 40 mm

Lower battery straight, upper batteries curved

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Plate 3: Channel irons

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 140 mm icl. neeles (needle heads still need some tuning)

incl. futtock shrouds irons with hooks and Chain wales supprt stanchions

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Plate 4: Decks

Includes now a nice amount of netting for the hammock cranes!

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 140 mm


Boarding Pikes with holder

Mizzen boom saddle,mizzen belay pin holder, stanchion for netting on the heads

Binnacle with two compasses, lid for cheminee

Hammock cranes Nr 30, supports for boom saddle

Hammock cranes forecastle, 2 versions in one: high and low

Hammock cranes waist and poop

Hammock cranes quarterdeck and holder for fire buckets

Hinges for side davids, columne for the wheel, arm for the ship´bell, handles for chemnee, stanchions

Stun sail fittings, arms for elm tree pumps, arms for lanterns

Poop skylight

Stanchions fighting tops, skylight poop, spectacle plate, stun sail fittings

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Plate 5: Lettering and decoration

Brass 0,2 mm, Plate 180 mm x 70 mm

Lettering figure head with backup

crown figure head

Positioning help

ship´s name with positioning help

Flap for the cheminee, parts for carronades, crown for stern arm of coats, eyebolts in 2 different sizes

Gun monograms in 2 sizes, eyebolts

Flaps in 2 sizes, driving gear carronade, draught marks with back up

Cover flag locker

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Plate 6: Gunport lid fittings

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 140 mm

Different fittings for the 4 different decks

Half lids, hight adjustment carronade, template for gunport lanyards, missing supports for the channels

Eyebolts for the fittings, 4 pieces each lid, incl. back up

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Plate 7: Ringbolts and hooks

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 280 mm

Eyebolts and hooks, outer diameter 1,3 mm, inner diameter 0,7 mm: 600 eyebolts, 360 hooks

Eyebolts and hooks, outer diameter 1,6 mm, inner diameter 0,8 mm: 600 eyebolts, 220 hooks

Eyebolts and hooks, outer diameter 1,8 mm, inner diameter 1 mm: 440 eyebolts, 180 hooks

Eyebolts and hooks, outer diameter 2 mm, inner diameter 1,25 mm: 375 eyebolts, 160 hooks

Clamps 2 mm 48 pieces, 3 mm 58 pieces, 4 mm 73 pieces

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Plate 8: Gratings

Brass 0,4 mm, Plate 180 mm x 130 mm

Gratings 0,4 mm

Gratings 0,5 mm

Gratings 0,75 mm

Bottom side with vsible battens

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Resin 1: Pilasters for stern and side galleries

6 pieces of pilasters. Original pilasters of the model must be removed. Specially adapted to Heller 1:100. Details of the pilasters follow the elegant curve of the stern arch.

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Resin 2: Side entry port plus steps

Resin, set for both sides


Paint suggestion

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Resin 3: Set of 4 Bowers, 1 Stream und 1 Kedgeanchor fitting for 1805

Resin, not assembled

Here are the dimensions of the 3 type of anchors.

As contemporary sources show, the arm and the shaft meet at a sharp angle, no rounding to be seen.

The nut for the stock on the bower and stream anchors. The halves of the stock have a matching recess.

The kedge anchor has its stock already cast on and is meant to be stored on the aft starboard bower.

The lock to hold the stock in place has its security line hanging slack.

Also included are two boyes and 2 anchor shoes as the cast on ones are misplaced.

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Resin 4: Knight heads

Resin. Stabilisieren den Bugspriet seitlich und in der Höhe

Eyebolts and clamps not included, these are parts of plate 7.

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Resin 5: Bitts

Resin, 2 pieces fore mast bitts for 9 and for 17 belaying pins, 1 piece main mast for 17 belaying pins und 1 piece mizzen mast for 7 belaying pins.

Included is a template for making belaying pins out of 0,5 mm wire and white glue. Printed belaying pins would be too fragile for rigging :-)

With some weathering it could look like this.

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Resin 6: Center shield of figure head.

Center piece of the figure head. Crown and figures not included. Here front and flip side in one picture including the adapter for the head.

Left the original kit part, right the painted new print.

Included is the extension of the bow on the backside of the piece.

Paint suggestion of the prototyp, once with the imprinted letters, once with the letters replaced by etch parts for better detail:

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Resin 7: Catheads and catblocks

2 cat head with with matching cat blocks. The cat head has the star of the Order of the Garter as decoration, which is shown on contemporary models and pictures of the Victory. If the crown symbol of today's ship is desired, the star can be ground off and the kit part used. The blocks´ hooks are included as a printed part, but a replacement of 1 mm wire is recommended as the resin hooks are very fragile.

Paint suggestion

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Resin 9 Gun Gear

1 Set 36 Pieces Fire Buckets with GrIII Cypher, 24 Sponges/Rammer, 24 Worms, 48 Levers for adjusting Direction and Angle of the Shot and 24 Gunracks as seen on the wreck of HMS St, George 1811 (Racks not pictured). Fire buckets can also be uesed for the holders on the quarter deck above the steering wheel.

Gunbarrel not included, only for scale. Parts are coming in unicolored Resin and need to be painted.

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Blocks for standing and running Rigging: Over 2000 Parts in 3 Sets

Complete set of blocks for HMS Victory in condition around 1803. The sets consist of deadeyes, standing and running rigging.The size of the blocks ranges from 2 mm to 6.6 mm.

The number and size of the blocks is based on the description by David Steel in 1795. The numbering is based on McKay's Anatomy of the Ship. Via the names of the ropes the assignment to Longridge is also given. Sizes were slightly adapted for model building, brought into buildable dimensions and optimized for the respective size. Plus some variants and replacement blocks.

Note: The Excel list supplied only assigns the dimensions of blocks and ropes. It is not an independent rigging guide!

Parts are coming in unicoloured resin and need to be painted.

Here is a group picture of the dead eyes and the blocks of the standing rigging. Those 2 sets consist of about 885 pieces.

Resin 10: Deadeyes 252 Parts

Complete set of deadeyes 252 parts. The deadeyes are optimally adapted to the etched parts on plate 3.
Also included are the deadeyes for the backstay stools and then fighting tops. Each set is labelled per channel board for easier assignment. The parts come in single-colour plastic and must be painted.

Lower and upper deadeye are adapted to the place of use: the lower one has a slot for the brass etch part, the upper one has a groove for the shroud.

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Resin 11: Blocks standing Rigging, over 233 Parts

All parts of the standing rigging, including the hearts for the stays and the bow rigging, also all special blocks for the backstays as well as normal blocks. Where appropriate, the blocks are grouped together in labelled groups. A good number of replacement blocks of all sizes is included.

Comparison of the different special blocks

Hearts for main- and forestay incl. preventers and the rest of the head gear.



Stayblocks for different backstays and guys.

Test Assembly: The bow gear with its 22 hearts on the revised Heller kit.

Test Assembly sister block with lift and fall

Test Assembly Sisterblock lashed in between the shrouds.

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Resin 12: Blocks running Rigging

937 parts plus replacements, plus 199 parts for Parrels, from the triple and doube jeer block of 5,6 mm down to the normal block shape single and double in 2 mm. The blocks come in unicoloured plastic and must be painted. Where appropriate, the blocks are grouped together in labelled groups.

There are always a few spare blocks available. All 2 mm blocks also come with a spare 2.5 mm block in case the small ones are too small for handling.

Some of the blocks require very thin yarns, down to 0.2 mm diameter. A table showing the intended use of the blocks and the rope thicknesses to be used for the respective location is provided.

Block collection main mast per yard

Block collection jib mast per yard

Block collection cross mast per yard

There are also sets for headsails, stun´sails and davits as well as the necessary racks.

Application examples:

Jeer blocks in black and wood colouring

Test Assembly: Clewline blocks 2 mm painted and stropped

Test Assembly: shoulder and quarter blocks

Test Assembly: Mainyard of the kit 1:100with the inner blocks

3 sizes of parrels

Test Assembly: long tackles

Trial fitting of the 2 mm blocks, the smallest in the set.

Detailed specifications for the block sizes and rope thicknesses to be used in english available. This is no complete rigging instructions but has to be used in coordination with other sources.

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Resin 15: Mastheads and fighting tops, 18 Parts

Two-part masts according to the Admiralty Order of 1802 and mastheads in their correct conical shape, optional shoulders or brackets for the yard hangers. The supports for the railing come from board 4 or have to be built by yourself. Netting for the railing is supplied.

Comparison of kit and new mast heads.

Wahlweise mit Schulter oder Klammer für die RahOptionally with shoulder or clamp for the yard hanger.-Hanger.

The combination with the kit parts, brown is kit, black are printed parts.

Trial assembly with rear railing. Netting for the 3 tops is included in the delivery, the supports and the bracket for the lantern come from the etched parts plate no. 4 or must be produced by yourself.

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